
11.11 Global Shopping Festival-SEC-E9 Key Cutting Machine

Nako ea Phatlalatso:

La 5 Nov-19th Nov,2018 GMT+8


SEC-E9 key cutting machine(standard package) Khothaletso bakeng sathekisos:

A. Fumana1 mahala pompo kotopo+1 mahala mosehi+1 mahala sekhouthara (theko ea $50)

B. Hape $10 ho fapanyetsana letlapa le le leng la tlatsetso(e ka ba $65)

C. Plus$60 ho fapanyetsana letlapa le le leng la FO21(litšenyehelo 115 $)

D. Hape $125 ho fapanyetsana konopo e le 'ngoe lehlakoreng le le leng(theko ea $180)

*U ka khetha e 'ngoe ea litharollo tsa papatso tse kaholimo haeba u reka yuniti e le 1 ea SEC-E9.


Mochini oa ho itšeha oa SEC-E9(sephutheloana se tloaelehileng) Khothatso bakeng sa barekisi:

A.Reka5 diyuniti ka nako e le nngwe, ho fumana 5 mahala FO21 clamps, laela yuniti e 'ngoe hape hore u e fumane1 mahalaFO21 clamp.(boleng ba $575 bonyane)

B.Reka10diyuniti ka nako e le nngwe, ho fumana5 mahalaFO21 clamps+3 mahalalikonopo tsa linotlolo tsa lehlakore le le leng +3 mahalali-clamps tse thusang, laela yuniti e 'ngoe hape hore u e fumane1 mahalaFO21 clamp.(boleng ba $1310 bonyane)

C.Reka 15diyuniti ka nako e le nngwe, ho fumana5 mahalaFO21 clamps +5 mahalalikonopo tsa linotlolo tsa lehlakore le le leng +10 mahalali-clamps tse thusang, laela yuniti e 'ngoe hape hore u e fumane1 mahalaFO21 clamp.(boleng ba $2125 bonyane)

D.Buy20 diyuniti ka nako e le nngwe, ho fumana20 mahala li-sets of pump wedges + cutters + decoder le1 mahalaSEC-E9(litšenyehelo 3395 $)

E.Buy35diyuniti ka nako e le nngwe, ho fumana 35 mahalali-sets of pump wedges + cutters + decoder le2 mahalaSEC-E9(litšenyehelo 6540 $)


Seo U Lokelang ho se Tseba Pele U Reka:

1. Mochine oohle o boletsoeng ka holimo o reretsoe ho ba mochine o nang le sephutheloana se tloaelehileng.

2. Li-clamp tse thusang li kenyelletsa HU66,HU64,TOY2,VA2,BW9,STP22,HU162T key clamp(1.9mm cutter ha e kenyelelitsoe.)

3. Haeba o sa hloke lisebelisoa tse ka holimo tsa mahala (li-pump wedges, li-cutters, li-decoder li ke ke tsa fapanyetsanoa), u ka fapanyetsana boleng bo lekanang bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse amehang tsa SEC-E9 kapa SEC-M10 manual duplicator (ha e khone ho fapanyetsana ho SEC-E9/E9z). );

4. Haeba u reka SEC-E9 le SEC-E9z ka tatellano e le 'ngoe, papatso e thehiloe ho SEC-E9z;

5. Haeba papatso ena e fetana le lipapatso tse ling, u ka khetha e 'ngoe feela ea tsona;

6. Tlhaloso ea ho qetela ea ketsahalo ena ke ea Hunan Kukai Electromechanical Co., Ltd.


Hunan Kukai Electromechanical Co., Ltd.


Nako ea poso: Oct-29-2018